Workshop on Radiation Dosimetry II
Solid State and OSL Dosimetry: Physics & Applications
Date: 6 December 2017
Venue: Level 13, Menara Selatan, University of Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Advancement in the semiconductor industry has led to the production of many new solid state devices that are used as radiation dosimeters. Solid state devices has interesting dosimetric characteristics such as high sensitivities at much smaller sensitive volumes, real time fast readout pushes the frontiers of radiation dosimetry. However, it is crucial to understand the physics and limitations of these devices in order to perform accurate dosimetry.
This 1-day radiation dosimetry workshop aims to provide the basic physics and hand-on experience related to the use of novel solid state dosimeters including optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimetry.
The workshop is organized by the Medical Physics Subgroup, Malaysian Institute of Physics (IFM), in collaboration with the ASEAN College of Medical Physics (ACOMP). The workshop is supported by the Southeast Asian Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (SEAFOMP) and Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH).